
Saturday, 31 March 2012

# Introduction to Poetry #

           Poetry according to us is mainly the combination of sentence where ones have to read between the lines to get to the meaning. It is an art form used for its aesthetic qualities, notional and semantics content. Poetry is mainly of oral or literary works. It is compressed to convey emotions, ideas and use of device as assonance and repetition to achieve musical or in cantatory effects. Poetry also relies for their effect in imagery word association and the musical qualities of language used. 

Through poetry we can come across many significant themes or ideas by different poets for example feminism, imperialism and our preference theme which is racism. 

Racism is a practice or advocacy of racial discrimination of a pernicious nature (for example, harm particular group of people) and which is often justified by recourse to racial stereotyping. What we understand by racism here is it evokes the feeling of hatred of each individual or the subjected race which leads to discrimination and hate crimes. 

We have chosen one famous author which is Rudyard Kipling. 

Kipling wrote a poem entitled "White Man's Burden" Briefly, the poem describe the conquest of Philippine by the western. Kipling presents the Eurocentric view of world, in which the non-western cultures are likely backward and it is the responsibility for the western to colonize and develop their culture. He come out with the idea that the rich have a moral duty and obligation to help the poor “better" willingly or forcefully.        
So, what does Islam reflect about racism? From the Quran Allah mentioned that:

"Oh man kind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has taqwa. Verily Allah is all knowing, all aware". (49:13)

Islam does not differentiate a person by the color and status, but Islam view a person by their faith, Iman, piety, taqwa, and how they avoid doing evil things and get closer to Allah. Racism is totally not accepted in Islam as Allah said that: 

whoever work righteous- whether male or female- while he (or she) is a truth believer (of Islamic monotheism) verily, to him we will give a good life (in this world with respect contentment and lawful provision) and we shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion. To the best of what they used to do. (16:97)
Prophet Muhammad clearly stated in his farewell sermon:

Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood.”

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white - except by piety and good action.”

Poetry Slam on Racism - Poetry as Social Change

Friday, 30 March 2012

# Reflection On First Graded Assignment #

Sadly, we did not achieve our objective during the lesson as apparently we tend to focus more on cohesion rather than our main objective which is speaking. We learned that the lesson plan is not relevant to be applied to the students and made the lesson was too superficial.Why?
Well first and foremost, it is because of the computers' usage which is totally inconvenient to be shared by five students at a time. Each and every student might not be able to fully use the computer and the have to share, take turn and this may lead to loosing interest to learn. So, it is best for us to divide the students into smaller groups.
Secondly, the students were unable to make fullest use of the computers (in terms of developing their computer skills) as they used the computer to only click on the virtual dice and nothing more. Logically the activity would not actually require them to use any computer as they can only use papers. So we will definitely think of a better class activity next time.
On the bright side, we think that the websites that we have chosen will be very useful for the teachers instead to have new ideas in their teaching approach in the future. The sites might help to tackle the ability of the students to learn independently and creatively as well as actively involved in learning process. Besides, even though we did not go in depth for the speaking part, but at least they all had the chance to speak and develop their skill from there.  

“Those who listen to the Word, and follow the best of it: those are the ones who Allah has guided, and  those  are the  ones endowed with understanding.” (Qur’an, 39:18)

Thursday, 1 March 2012

# Graded Assignment 1 [Part II] #

Lesson plan
Time:                                     1 hour.
Number of students:               30 students.
Venue:                                   School Computer Lab.
Level of proficiency:               Intermediate (Form 1).
Theme:                                  Students’ personal life.
Topic:                                    Speaking skill.

General objectives:       1. To make the students speak up.
2.  To make the students become familiar with 
the second language usage.
3. To expose the students using the computer.

Specific objectives:       1. To enable students to learn correct pronunciation.
2. To develop students speaking in proper tones.
3.  To enable the students to summarize and explain the exercises 
produced by other class members.

Values:                        To instills the students with the proper usage of English moral language 
                                   as second language.

Teaching Media:          Virtual dice, PowerPoint, Computer.

Method/Teaching Techniques:
Explanation / FAQ / discussion/ Presentation.


Application of Values


Set Induction
(5 minutes)

Dua’ before the lesson.

The teacher reciting dua’ before the lesson.

The students reciting dua’ together before lesson.

To always remember Allah.

Stage 1
(10 minutes)

The teacher asks the students who likes to play interesting game?

The students respond by a show of hands.

To obey the teacher’s instruction.

The teacher asks who likes to tell stories?

They respond by a show of hands.

The teacher explains to the students that they will be playing a game and sharing their life stories to the class by referring the instruction and the topic they are about the student get to present in the PowerPoint.

The students pay full attention and ask questions if they have any.
Stage 2
(15 minutes)

The teacher randomly divides the students into five groups. Each group is given a computer to assist them with the game.

The students get into their own group.

To obey the teacher’s order

Computer, Virtual dice,
Power point slides.

The teacher asks the student to access the provided URL shown in the power point slides.

The students try to get to the internet and access the website.

The teacher assigns the group’s leader to click the virtual dice on the computer.

The group’s leader to click the virtual dice on the computer

The teacher gives each of groups 10 minutes to discuss the topics they get among themselves.

The students discuss among themselves about their strategies.
Stage 3
(20 minutes)

The teacher assigns one of the members in group to start the presentation.

All the students in group present.

To be able to work in group.

After the first student done his/her presentation, the second student will continue by using the last word of previous one.

It will continue until the last presenter.
(10 minutes)

The teacher ends the presentation.

The students finish the story.

 *The student whom cannot continue the presentation, she/he deserves penalty.

Dua’ after the lesson.

The teacher reciting dua’ after the lesson.

The students reciting dua’ together after the lesson.

To always remember Allah.

“And pursue not that of which you have no knowledge; for surely the hearing, the sight, the heart all of those shall be questioned of.”  (17:36)

# Graded Assignment 1 [Part I] #

After some adventurous exploration of several sites on English Language Teaching and Learning, we've picked some of those that we've think very interesting to answer our searching on "3 good sites on English Language Teaching and Learning"
1. Dave's ESL Cafe;
"The Internet's Meeting place for ESL + EFL teachers & students from around the World!"
2. British Council BBC TeachingEnglish;
3. One Stop English;
"Number One for English language Teacher"

"Thus do we display our signs (ayat), so that they may say to you [Muhammad], 'You have indeed studied (darasta)!'  And so that we may make [the Message] clear for a people who understand" (6:105).

# Ungraded Assignment 2 #




Reflect on your experience in using computers in the courses that you have undertaken
Grammatical Analysis class where we do computer based exercises
E-learning in most of the subject.
e.g. Computer Application, Error, Phonetic and Phonology
Google Group to discuss about American Literature
Relate the concept in the 3 stages to that experience
More familiar with the subject
Easy Access
Discuss how the concept in the 3 stages of CALL are relevant SLA theories and practices
Familiar with the native Pronunciation
Extra material
Direct communication with the native speaker

“Those to whom We have given the Book (the Qur’an) study it as it should be studied: they are the ones that believe therein: those who reject faith therein the loss is their own.”  (Qur’an, 2:121)

it is said...

“Read! In the name of your Rabb (Cherisher and Sustainer) Who created— created man, out of a leech-like clot: Read! And your Rabb is Most Bountiful Who has taught (the use of) pen. He has taught man that which he knew not.” (Qur’an, 96:1-5)