Time: 1
Number of students: 30
Venue: School
Computer Lab.
Level of proficiency: Intermediate (Form 1).
Theme: Students’
personal life.
Topic: Speaking
General objectives: 1.
To make the students speak up.
2. To make
the students become familiar with
the second language usage.
3. To expose the
students using the computer.
Specific objectives: 1. To enable students to learn correct pronunciation.
2. To develop
students speaking in proper tones.
3. To enable the students to summarize and
explain the exercises
produced by other class members.
Values: To instills the students
with the proper usage of English moral language
as second language.
Teaching Media: Virtual dice, PowerPoint, Computer.
Method/Teaching Techniques:
Explanation / FAQ / discussion/
Application of
Set Induction
(5 minutes)
Dua’ before
the lesson.
The teacher
reciting dua’ before the lesson.
The students
reciting dua’ together before lesson.
To always remember
Stage 1
(10 minutes)
The teacher asks
the students who likes to play interesting game?
The students
respond by a show of hands.
To obey the
teacher’s instruction.
The teacher asks
who likes to tell stories?
They respond by a
show of hands.
The teacher
explains to the students that they will be playing a game and sharing their
life stories to the class by referring the instruction and the topic they are
about the student get to present in the PowerPoint.
The students pay
full attention and ask questions if they have any.
Stage 2
(15 minutes)
The teacher
randomly divides the students into five groups. Each group is given a
computer to assist them with the game.
The students get
into their own group.
To obey the
teacher’s order
Computer, Virtual
Power point
The teacher asks
the student to access the provided URL shown in the power point slides.
The students try
to get to the internet and access the website.
The teacher
assigns the group’s leader to click the virtual dice on the computer.
The group’s leader
to click the virtual dice on the computer
The teacher gives
each of groups 10 minutes to discuss the topics they get among themselves.
The students
discuss among themselves about their strategies.
Stage 3
(20 minutes)
The teacher
assigns one of the members in group to start the presentation.
All the students
in group present.
To be able to work
in group.
After the first
student done his/her presentation, the second student will continue by using
the last word of previous one.
It will continue
until the last presenter.
(10 minutes)
The teacher ends
the presentation.
The students
finish the story.
*The student
whom cannot continue the presentation, she/he deserves penalty.
Dua’ after
the lesson.
The teacher
reciting dua’ after the lesson.
The students
reciting dua’ together after the lesson.
To always remember
“And pursue not that
of which you have no knowledge; for surely the hearing, the sight, the heart
all of those shall be questioned of.” (17:36)
Refer to comments during presentation. The CALL part of the lesson is not sufficient. The virtual dice is just to select the topic. objectives of the lesson is also general. The evaluation part is also missing.